We have good stock levels ahead of sowing in Spring!

East Devon meadow

Exmoor Meadow Seed Mix

Origin: Nettlecombe Park

Soil Type: Slightly acidic to neutral

Seeding rate: 4g per square metre

Wildflowers: grasses ratio: 40:60

Species mix: Please see below

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Exmoor Meadow Seed Mix

This lovely meadow mix from east Devon is unusual as it's categorised as MG4 - i.e. there's no knapweed in it. It comes from a slightly acidic donor site, but will also work on neutral soils. It's a good starter mix with a nice selection of grasses.

The donor site is on the eastern edge of Exmoor, west of Monksilver.

There are full instructions on the back of the packet. You can expect to receive your seed within five working days of placing an order.

Species making up over 4% of the mix are shown in bold.

Typical Major Wildflower Species (i.e. over 1%):

Rough Hawkbit Leontodon hispidus

Oxeye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare

Birdsfoot trefoil Lotus corniculatus

Black Medick Medicago lupilina

Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata

Self-heal Prunella vulgaris

Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris

Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor

Pepper-saxifrage Silam silaus

Greater stitchwort Stellaria holostea

Lesser trefoil Trifolium dubium

Wild Red Clover Trifolium pratense


Common bent Agrostis capillaris

Meadow foxtail Alopercus pratensis

Sweet vernal grass Anthoxantum odoratum

Crested dog's-tail Cynosurus cristatus

Cocksfoot Dactylis glomerata

Mixed fescues Festuca spp.

Smooth meadow-grass Poa pratensis

Other species are present in smaller quantities.

Supplier: Heritage Seeds

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Janet Ratcliffe

Fabulous service, can’t wait for the results.

Jen Gardner
Speedy seedy

I needed the seeds in a hurry and they arrived in good time. Can’t yet say how well they grow yet as it’s only been a few days but I have ordered from BWS before and I have always been pleased.

So far so good

Prompt delivery of Exmoor meadow seed mix. A good mix from They will be sown shortly.

Valerie de Rozarieux
Exmoor Meadow Seed Mix

I chose this mix because of the range of grasses and flowers available, to try out in our Devon garden/ field. Delivery was prompt and in good packaging i.e. paper and not excessive. I have yet to see how germination progresses.