Hedgerow and Light Shade Seed Mix
This lovely and diverse seed mix is a perfect base for establishing colourful hedge margins and other areas in light shade. 70% certified grasses, and 30% native British wildflowers. Unlike all the other mixes we sell, these are species which will thrive without full sun. It's a generic mix, so the wildflower element is guaranteed UK origin and provenance and the grasses are certified.
We also sell the wildflower only element of this mix - i.e. without grasses.
There are full instructions on the back of the packet. You can expect to receive your seed within five working days of placing an order.
Species making up over 4% of the mix are shown in bold.
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata
Lesser Burdock Arctium minus
Common Knapweed Centaurea nigra
Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa
Wild Carrot Daucus carota
Teasel Dipsacus fullonum
Vipers Bugloss Echium vulgare
Hedge Bedstraw Galium mollugo
Ladies' Bedstraw Galium verum
Wood Avens Geum urbanum
Field Scabious Knautia arvensis
Oxeye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare
Selfheal Prunella vulgaris
Red Campion Silene dioica
White Campion Silene latifolia
Upright Hedge-parsley Torilis japonica*
Common Bent Agrostis capillaris
Sweet Vernal-grass Anthoxanthum odoratum
Slender-creeping Red-fescue Festuca rubra
Wood Meadow-grass Poa nemoralis
Crested dogstail Cynosurus cristatus
*currently unavailable
Supplier: All Things Rural