Bee Wildflower Seed Mix
Bring bees into your garden with this special bee seed mix. It's made from 100% native British wildflowers, sustainably harvested in the UK. We have designed it to benefit not just a variety of bees, but other pollinators too, as well as to thrive on a range of site conditions. It has no grasses at all, which is why it's expensive but only needs sowing at 2g per square metre.
About this Bee Seed Mix
This mix has a wide range of wildflowers and will give quick initial results while working on a variety of types of site. Bumblebees, honeybees, solitary bees and other pollinators like hoverflies, butterflies and moths all have differing needs, but with this mix we've targeted top flowers for a range of bees in particular. We're only now finding out what sort of diet bees prefer, but our solitary bees and bumblebees seem to have a preference for British species of wildflowers like this. Although we have only one species of honey bee, we have 24 different types of bumblebee and over 240 solitary bees (we're not sure exactly how many!). They're important and charismatic pollinators. Many of these bee species are struggling, and habitat loss is a key issue for them. Gardens can offer them fantastic havens. You can give them a pesticide free oasis with a range of suitable flowers - in fact, urban bees seems to be healthier than their country cousins. We have followed specialist research to put together this wildflower selection together to help them. It will give a colourful display in your garden too. Because it includes some annuals it will give you flowers in the first year of establishment. After that the perennials will take over, providing a colourful display for years to come.
Ideally butterflies and moths also need native grasses, as food plants, which can be found in one of our meadow mixes. All of our seed mixes are great for a huge range of pollinators and other animals.
Expect to receive your bee seed mix within five working days of placing an order.
You'll find full instructions on the back of the packet, but here's a quick summary. You will need to sow this seed onto bare earth - weed beforehand! It won't work if you just throw it on the lawn. Sow in the spring or late summer / autumn, when the soil is moist and the earth is warm. Hand broadcast at 2g / square metre. This is a tiny amount, so add sand or similar if you're nervous you will sow too quickly. Just leave the seed on the surface and lightly roll or tread to ensure good contact with the soil. That's it.
If you're going to sow onto existing grass, please read this blog first! You will only need up to 1g / square metre.
Wildflower Species:
Centaurea cyanus Cornflower
Glebionis segetum Corn Marigold
Papaver rhoeas Corn Poppy
Lotus corniculatus Bird's-foot trefoil
Myosotis arvensis Field-forget-me-not
Echium vulgare Viper's Bugloss
Malus moschata Musk Mallow
Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed (main picture)
Dipsacus fullonum Common teasel
Galium mollugo Hedge Bedstraw
Galium verum Lady's Bedstraw
Knautia arvensis Field Scabious
Origanum vulgare Wild Marjoram
Prunella vulgaris Selfheal
Silene latifolia White campion
Silene dioica Red Campion
Silene flos-cuculi Ragged Robin
Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort
Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch
Supplier: All Things Rural
Suppliers: All Things Rural & Wildflower Turf