Dorset (West) Meadow Seed Mix
This stunning mix is harvested from a site in West Dorset, north of Charmouth. It was sown over 20 years ago with seed from an adjacent ancient meadow, designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Although the donor meadow is on greensand, the seed mix will suit a range of neutral to slightly acidic soil types.
The mix is unusual in some of the plants it includes - Saw-wort, for example - but also in its diversity and the very high % of wildflowers to grasses.
There are full instructions on the back of the packet. You can expect to receive your seed within five working days of placing an order.
Species making up over 4% of the mix are shown in bold.
Typical Major Wildflower Species (i.e. over 1%):
Betony Betonica officinalis
Greater knapweed Centaurea nigra
Catsear Hypochoeris radicata
Fairy flax Linum catharticum
Perennial flax Linum perenne
Rough Hawkbit Leontodon hispidus
Birdsfoot trefoil Lotus corniculatus
Spotted Medick Medicago arabica
Burnet-saxifrage Pimpinella saxifraga
Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata
Hoary plantain Plantago media
Cowslip Primula veris
Self-heal Prunella vulgaris
Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris
Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor
Pepper-saxifrage Silam silaus
Wild Red Clover Trifolium pratense
Tufted vetch Viccia cracca
Meadow foxtail Alopercus pratensis
Crested dog's-tail Cynosurus cristatus
Cocksfoot Dactylis glomerata
Sheep's fescue Festuca ovina
Smooth meadow-grass Poa pratensis
Soft rush Juncus effusus
Other species are present in smaller quantities.
Supplier: Heritage Seeds