We have good stock levels ahead of sowing in Spring!

Special General Meadow Seed Mix
Yarrow: Special meadow mix
Birdsfoot trefoil: Special meadow mix
Oxeye daisy: Special meadow mix
Common sorrel: Special meadow mix
Special General Meadow Seed mix
Ribwort plantain: Special meadow mix
Yellow Rattle: Special meadow mix
Cornflower: Special meadow mix
Field poppy: : Special meadow mix
Meadow buttercup: Special meadow mix
Crested dogstail: Special meadow mix grasses
Lesser knapweed: Special meadow mix

Special General Meadow Seed Mix

Origin: Somerset

Soil Type: Most!

Seeding rate: 4g per square metre

Approximate flowers:grasses ratio: 60:40

Species mix: Please see below

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Special General Meadow Seed Mix

Our premium seed mix for spring 2025 consists of a range of native meadow species commonly occurring throughout most of the UK on a wide range of soils. They do need full sun, however, and soils which aren't regularly waterlogged or wildly acidic or alkaline. 

Wildflower meadows are one of the richest, most interesting and attractive habitats in the UK, which hasn't stopped us from destroying most of them. Thank you for doing your bit to put a little bit of them back.

About This Wildflower Meadow Seed Mix

The wildflower seeds in the mix are sustainably harvested from a site owned and managed by Avon Wildlife Trust, so you can be sure of its provenance! The seed is carefully and sustainably  harvested using a brush harvester. We've also added a couple of cornfield annuals to give you colour in the first year of establishment.

Like all our mixes, our special general mix has a LOT of wildflowers, both in terms of species numbers and the % of wildflowers to grasses. Most "off the shelf" mixes only have up to 20% wildflowers; this one has nearly 60%. As it's harvested from an existing meadow, the grasses are native rather than certified.

Not only does this meadow mix have a high % of wildflowers, it has a lot of Yellow Rattle. This makes it good value for money and super helpful for successful establishment on more fertile soils. 

There are instructions on the back of the packet, but in essence it's easy to get the seed started off. Weed and remove grass in the area you want to seed. Wait until the soil is moist and warm, usually spring or late summer / autumn. Hand broadcast - you'll have to do it by hand because the seeding rate is so low. Don't panic if you think you've screwed up - 4g/square metre is twenty times less than the rate you might seed your lawn at. Add some sand if you're nervous about using too much seed too quickly. Once you have sown the seed, don't bury it; just gently roll or tread in to ensure good contact with the soil. That's it. Our video should be helpful too.

You can expect to receive your seed within five working days of placing an order.

Wild flowers 59%

0.1 Centurea nigra – Common Knapweed

0.1 Cerastium fontanum – Common Mouse Ear

1.0 Hypochaeris radicata – Catsear

1.0 Leontedon hispidus – Rough Hawkbit

3.0 Leucanthemum vulgare – Oxeye Daisy

1.0 Lotus corniculatus – Birdsfoot Trefoil

0.1 Medicago lupulina – Black Medic

4.0 Oenanthe pimpinelloides – Corky-fruity Water-dropwort

3.0 Plantago lanceolata – Ribwort Plantain

14.0 Ranunculus acris – Meadow Buttercup

24.0 Rhinanthus minor – Yellow Rattle

0.1 Tragopogon pratensis – Goat’s-beard

0.8 Trifolium dubium – Lesser Trefoil

2.0 Trifolium pratense – Wild Red Clover

5.0 Centaurea cyanus - Cornflower and Papaver rhoeas - Field poppy

Grasses 46%

1.0 Arrhenatherum elatius – False Oat-grass

3.0 Agrostis capillaris – Common Bent

2.0 Anthoxanthum odoratum – Sweet Vernal-grass

10.0 Bromus hordeaceus – Soft Brome

23.0 Cynosurus cristatus – Crested Dogstail

4.0 Dactylis glomerata – Cocksfoot

2.0 Festuca rubra – Red Fescue

2.0 Holcus lanatus – Yorkshire Fog

3.0 Lolium perenne – Perennial Ryegrass

As this is a natural harvested mix, %s are indicative. Other species will be present in smaller quantities.

Supplier: Emorsgate Seeds

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Anna Golding
Wildflower seed

I’ve yet to sow as I’m waiting for frosty morning to end but so far, my experience with British Wildflower Seeds has been great. Looking forward to summer


Great service, can't speak much about the seed content and the flowers as I'm not knowledgeable about that. Ordered them at 1am they got sent on Friday afternoon and I got them on Saturday. Didn't have to wait long at all

Kevin Smith
Wild flower seeds

I received good advice prior to the purchase and look forward to planting the seeds out when the season arrives.

Jamel Guenioui
Special general meadow seed mix

20g of seed arrived promptly and well packaged. I intend to set these aside until April before sowing. Thank you.

Alwyn Jackson
Video Advice

I found your Video Advice on sowing wildflowers very useful for starting a wildflower meadow from scratch, BUT mention was made of an "annual management plan", which I desperately need, as my patch this year was not very successful. I would value a reply before I buy some seeds, please.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope this little video will help! https://youtu.be/FylqKWPvDJo?feature=shared